Physical Exposure

Physical Exposure

AcercArte was born with the aim of being a traveling exhibition.

Being able to take the most famous paintings in history to places where access to large museums was limited.

For this we have 27 faithfully framed HD photographic reproductions on canvas, more than half at real size.

And to do it in a different way, accompanied by my Music, my Compositions, each one of them created for YOUR painting, since they are based, thanks to my Synesthetic capacity, on their colors.

For me the World is Color and Music.

I invite you to feel my world.

I invite you to be Synesthetic during your visit.

For this you will need your Smartphone.

Each painting is accompanied by a Poster, where you will find a short description of it and a QR code, with which you will access its Composition.

This way you can "hear" the painting and "see" the music.

In order to be able to offer this multisensory experience to more people,

We have state-of-the-art haptic vests so that people with some type of visual disability can "feel" the Music.

See you soon at AcercArte!

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